our path, stats, gratitude, and chill. 🐳
Presto February 8 2024
sup whales. today marks 30 days of the chillwhales official launch on LUKSO mainnet. lets check the stats of our growth, and the path we took to get us here.
our path, stats, gratitude, and chill. 🐳

mint process.

on January 8th the chillwhales team kicked the launch off with two phases, team mint and OG claim. the team claimed 444 chillwhales. these whales included: the founders (4), 42.0 testnet whales (42), honoraries for early supporters (15), and the rest for giveaways (383). the point of the giveaways is to onboard as many people to LUKSO through universal profile as possible. we aimed to do this every 24h but have since changed this to every 42. 🧙‍♂️ the OG claim was a period where the seagrass roots began. LUKSOfam that have been supporting the movement for almost a year were able to claim 3 chillwhales each for free as a token of appreciation, and a gesture of gratitude for being so chill along the way. ❤️ on January 9th started off the whalelist. the whalelist was 1 chillwhales allocation, and were handed out to everyone and anyone that had interest and knew how to stay chill. we did this through twitter and common ground mostly for early followers of our community; lots of other LUKSO communities also inquired to help our movement by giving their community members whalelist spots. the chillwhales had no paid marketing. we had no paid sponsors. we are here today solely from the support of the community and the LUKSOfam. thats how you keep it chill. 🤝 at the end of the first 3 phases, a total of 1,111 chillwhales were claimed. leaving a total of 7,777 remaining for the public mint. 🔮 on January 10th at 12:42pm est, the public mint began. we anticipated a steady mint process as universal profiles grew since their was only 5,500 or so profiles on LUKSO at the start of our mint process. (dont have the actual UP stats from last month so sorry in advance if my number is more than 10% off) overall expected healthy growth to the ecosystem and hopefully users would find joy in chillin with the whales in the meantime. we were humbled to see that on January 12th, 49 hours later, the chillwhales officially sold out. with roughly 2,000 new UPs created our total holder count reached approx 1,120. after a community vote we revealed the chillwhales collectibles 42 minutes later, and our website for our community to check out all of the whales. the community also hosted a prereveal party via Common Ground live calls to check out their whales together. the team was so humbled and grateful to see that every was enjoying our vision and the art. seeing the appreciation means a lot to us after almost 2 years of building and patiently waiting for launch. staying chill is key. 🔑 ❤️ a special thanks to Florian, Alts, and many others for organizing this special moment for the chillwhales community, by the community. thank you to Fabian and the LUKSO team for join this call and showing support.


at the time of writing. we are over 72,000 total $LYX volume traded in 30 days. over 77% of Universal Page total volume on their platform. our total holder count is at 1,438 and counting; a 22% increase of unique profiles in 30 days. on January 24th we announced $CHILL, the first LSP7 cultural currency on LUKSO. total of 67% claimed at the time of writing. more on $CHILL soon soon. 😉

thank you.

thank you to Universal Page for giving us an opportunity to launch on your platform, testnet and mainnet. thank you to Common Ground for creating a platform where we can interact with our UPs, hence leading us to starting our official community. thank you to the OG LUKSOfam for all of the support and advice along the way. thank you to LUKSO for creating the standards that paved the road to bring the chillwhales to life. a special thank you the chillwhales ambassadors, holders, and community. you are a force to be reckoned with and the true pioneers of our favorite pink chain. to be a supporter is one thing, but to interact, build relationships and connections along the way is total magic. the truest utility to any brand, company, business, is its core holders and believers. no one can out-chill you, ill promise that. thank you to the chillwhales team for everything we do together to build a community based on fun and chill vibes. 2 of the 4 of us are partime IRL 😝 (fayth and neo) but sure know how to keep the mood up. b00ste and i brainstorm on how to make dope shit for the community know how to keep it chill. you'll never see it coming. but were sure as hell you'll like it. stay chill whales. 🐳🆙🔮
# chillwhales