ORB - Zero & Initiate
B00ste April 20 2024
where the story begins.
ORB - Zero & Initiate

In the frigid realm of chill, the orbs stand as crystalline beacons of hope, said to possess the power to repel the cyclic darkness threatening their world. Legends speak of an ancient civilisation harnessing the chilling energies of their homeland to infuse these orbs with life-giving power. Now revered as sacred relics, the orbs are tended to with utmost care, their preservation believed to ensure the survival of chillwhales.

Phase - ZERO

The birth of orbs. At first glance it might resemble a normal object of some sort, yet with a touch of CHILL, divinity takes place...

Zero ORB


Whispers among the elders tell of a prophecy, foretelling the orbs as the world's salvation, their radiant light capable of pushing back the encroaching darkness and restoring balance. Amidst this belief, factions have arisen within the chill realm. Each vying for control over the orbs, believing them to be the key to power and survival. Yet, amidst these rivalries, the whales form sacred bonds with the orbs, understanding that by protecting them, they safeguard their own existence. As the orbs endure, so too does the promise of a brighter tomorrow amidst the perpetual gloom of the ominous days.
Initiate ORB
# Initiate
# Zero